Hey, people of the world! I’m back on the scene after a brief hiatus to bring you some sage Wednesday Wisdom from Anna Akana on how to write a script (and a pretty good script at that). Anna is someone whose work ethic, gumption, and generally humorous attitude toward life on this spinning spaceball we call a planet gives me cause to be very hopeful for the prospects of our generation where the arts are concerned. :)
Multimedia writer, actor, author, and awesomeness steward Anna Akana sits down to give her simple breakdown of what it takes to get started writing a script. Anna’s synopsis resonates with me in particular because it is a basic intro to screenwriting equipped with all the meaning and mastery of a Syd Field Screenwriting course or Joseph Campbell’s classic text The Hero with a Thousand Faces—but with a bit of a salve for all the nerves that a newbie writer might feel when jumping headfirst into the murky waters of a feature length idea with say, five pages of cohesive content and the rest of your text functioning about as well as a life raft with hole in it. Following Anna’s steps, you’ll at least stay calm long enough to keep your idea afloat until you can make something of it and have a working script that has a story to tell. Happy writing!
Anna Akana shares some great ways that you can turn your story into a script.