I just wanted to drop by and say thank you to everyone who has been supporting me through my transition to Fiverr.com on a regular basis.
As many of you know, i’ve been spending the past couple of years focusing on music editing and mashups as well as some editing for screenwriting—and of course, spending time with friends and family and enjoying my life.
As of now, I haven’t really decided what to do with this blog, but I do want to keep things current. I think there are some exciting things on the horizon both professionally and personally. Stay tuned.
Thank you again to everybody who has contributed to the business and thereby made my life really enjoyable!
Multimedia writer, actor, author, and awesomeness steward Anna Akana sits down to give her simple breakdown of what it takes to get started writing a script. Anna’s synopsis resonates with me in particular because it is a basic intro to screenwriting equipped with all the meaning and mastery of a Syd Field Screenwriting course or Joseph Campbell’s classic text The Hero with a Thousand Faces—but with a bit of a salve for all the nerves that a newbie writer might feel when jumping headfirst into the murky waters of a feature length idea with say, five pages of cohesive content and the rest of your text functioning about as well as a life raft with hole in it. Following Anna’s steps, you’ll at least stay calm long enough to keep your idea afloat until you can make something of it and have a working script that has a story to tell. Happy writing!
Anna Akana shares some great ways that you can turn your story into a script.