Business is expanding more quickly than I could’ve imagined, and for the better. The blog posts may continue to be a bit more curated or sporadic in the near term. Of course, if you would like to blog with us, more specifically, with me Mikey, Fill out your information at the “Work with us!” section at the contact page here and I’ll get back to you usually within 48 hours.
Delayed But Not Denied: Plans for 2018
Delayed But Not Denied: Plans for 2018
As some of you may know, the fate of this website—due to some technical difficulties with the website—plans for 2018 got delayed a bit where the podcast and the blog. However, fear not, because 2018 is upon us like newly fallen snow. I’ll be back on here to tell you about all the goings-on with the FreelanceMikey brand. We are currently looking for new and fresh blood for upcoming Interviews, podcasts, etc. Now Accepting Guest Bloggers!
FreelanceMikey logo with photo effects added.
Let's vibe and blog about the business, about the art, about the creative business!