How to Get What You Want As Told by the Wisdom of the Late Dr. Wayne Dyer

How to get what you want may be a nebulous and elusive quest for most of us—even for me—but here a few classic tidbits from the late behavioral therapist turned new thought guru Dr. Wayne W. Dyer on manifesting what you want by letting go and getting into the flow of you creativity that is natural to you. it has kind of a spiritual immediacy for both believers and non religious alike that make me excited about my own work in a really blissed out, impassioned and powerful way.

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Create With Us!


Business is expanding more quickly than I could’ve imagined, and for the better. The blog posts may continue to be a bit more curated or sporadic in the near term. Of course, if you would like to blog with us, more specifically, with me Mikey, Fill out your information at the “Work with us!” section at the contact page here and I’ll get back to you usually within 48 hours. 

Keep creating,
Michael LaPenna

Don’t Call It a Comeback: The FreelanceMikey Blog Gears Up for That ‘New New’

A formal occasion (not my wedding)

A formal occasion (not my wedding)

Hello, ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary digital natives! After a long hiatus, I’m back to update you on all the goings-on of late with FreelanceMikey Creative Consultation and what has been the cause of this long but much-needed sabbatical. The FreelanceMikey blog has been dormant lately due to shifting dynamics in the business and in my own life of late. I’ve been focusing on my editing, music mixing, and keeping up my physical health working with a physical therapist (due to my cerebral palsy).

In this vein, I want to take time to appreciate your visit to the website and the FreelanceMikey brand and blog, and I absolutely thank you for your patience. (I’m also planning my wedding these days, so my life rolls on hard—both in and out of my wheelchair ♿️).

New projects, new locations, new interviews, and new horizons are in motion for all of the creative campaigns that my friends, colleagues, and I aim to bring to the fore in 2019.

Currently, there are a few projects very key projects underway including general project consulting and specialized projects. Formats and pricing and listed in the home menu. Go to our services page for more.

Most absolutely, I want you to know that going forward as always, I definitely want to further my mission in helping you be yourself fully in whatever medium you choose to explore.

May you move boldly and follow your bliss,

Michael LaPenna

#MondayMotivation: The Domino Effect and the Inspirational Story of Thaddeus Bullard

This is the inspirational story of Thaddeus Bullard…

More on Thaddeus Bullard at

More on Thaddeus Bullard at

Thaddeus Bullard was born to a preteen mother under horrible circumstances but was never given up on despite it all. This is that story.

So many times in life, we are given a choice to treat people a particular way. From our loved ones to our bosses, to the random person who asks for our help, we all have choices to make. This is the story of what happens when we choose kindness over indifference and the particular domino effect that can follow.

The following TEDx Talk by philanthropist, entrepreneur, and performer Thaddeus Bullard (who performs and wrestles as WWE Superstar Titus O’Neil) tells the tale himself in the TEDxUCLA video below.

Key points:

- Watch what happens when one man shows kindness to someone who is racist against him.

- Hear the inspirational story of the homeless couple Mr. Bullard invited to a restaurant for a meal and the “domino effect” and powerful catalyst it inspired.

Thaddeus (as Titus O’Neil) wears the WWE Tag Team championship with teammate Darren Young. (

Thaddeus (as Titus O’Neil) wears the WWE Tag Team championship with teammate Darren Young. (

TED Talks (short for Technology, Education, and Design Talks) have been known to inspire millions of people and to move arts, culture, and technology forward by new and interesting means, but this TED Talk is bit of an outlier just meant to inspire simple kindness, I suppose.

Just a little dose of Monday Motivation to make you smile a little brighter!

Every day, things we do knowingly or unknowingly, affect others. Sometimes it's a small effect, and sometimes it's profound and causes a chain reaction. If you're going to have an effect, why not make it a good one.

12 Things Successful People Do Differently

There you are sitting at your desk, mulling over your bills, tired from a day at work filled with aching shoulders and employees who seem much more concerned with their time off than that end-of-day deadline for that latest campaign for that Bakery outside Boston.

You want more! You want greater heights to explore who you are as a business, as a boss, and as a creative being! 

So how can you do all this without killing your time or your energy and maximizing effectiveness in all areas?

Here are 12 things successful people do differently to achieve maximum results in their businesses and lives without going over their limits.

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