My friend posted this on her Instagram feed today, and I got really inspired to say something to you all. As many of you might know by now, I’m going through some life transitions such as my wedding and moving into a new home in a new place. Transitions like this happen to us all whether literal or more metaphorical. You may live in uncertain times. There may be judgment or prejudice, disagreement or turmoil. Regardless, please don’t give up.
What I’ve can gleaned from my own life’s transitions is to know that the tides of your creativity will never stagnate or be still so long as you keep a dream in your heart and a fire in your belly for that mysterious, ineffable thing that makes you wide eyed and hopeful just by thinking about it. I believe that mystery is your spark that will light your passions. Follow that bliss like a breeze wherever it will take you. There is magic that awaits.
Stay hopeful,